Workflows are a step by step procedure in order to complete a Particular Task. AEM Workflows allows you to automate a series of steps that are performed on (one or more) pages and/or assets. For example, when publishing, an editor has to review the content - before a site administrator activates the page. How to Navigate to workflows: Tools --> Workflows --> Models (Here you get all the Workflow Models) How to run a workflow: We can run workflow in 2 ways. Edit the Page -- > start workflow (On Left Corner of the Page) --> select the Workflow. Navigate to Workflows --> Select workflow --> Start workflow --> Provide payload(Path on which you want run workflow). OOTB Important Workflows DAM Assest Update Workflow Request for Deletion Request for Activation For more information on AEM , go through the below syllabus. AEM Author Concepts
AEM Author Tutorial, which will give overview of content authoring. This helps from beginners to professionals