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DAM (Digital Asset Management)

A digital asset management (DAM) platform gives you organizing, storing, and retrieving rich media.   In DAM, we can upload the images (SVG, JPG, PNG, TIFF), Videos, PDFs, Docs, xls and we call all these as assets.

All the assests uploaded here are used in the website (Components).  Once we upload the images, images should be published.  Once the images are published these will be shown in publisher/dispatcher.

In Short: In order to display the images on the website, we need to add the images in DAM and author the same images in components.

Path of DAM - /content/dam/

Uploading Assests Process

Navigate to DAM folder --> Select Create --> Upload files --> change the file name if required(PSB: Industry standards).

Best Practices Before/After uploading images:

1)      No Spaces in the image name.

Wrong way: Image Name.

Correct way: image-name

2)      No Special characters apart from hyphen (-) and Underscore (_) after each word which acts as delimeter..

3)      No Capital letters in the images.

   Below are some important concepts in DAM you should know.

Image Properties:

1)      Select Image  --> Click on Properties (this can be called as metadata of the image).

a.     The image Properties will be used to display Alt text (Alternative Text), Title text etc.,.

b.    In image Properties, there are basic tab, Advanced tab, IPTC, IPTCExtension, Camera Data,SOLR,Product Data, Insights


If someone wants not to modify the user by anyone then, we can use checkout option.

Let’s think, abc Person have edited an image and made checkout.  Then only abc can modify that image. Some xyz person cannot edit the image.

Check In: 

If someone used the checkout and modified the image and he wants some other person also wants to edit it, in that case that image should be check in.

Let’s think, abc Person have edited and made checkout and modified. Now abc needs to check in.  Then only xyz Person can modify that image like create version or replace the image.


Let’s assume you have already uploaded an image with name “image1.png” and you are trying to upload the same name again, then we will see the below warning.

Name Conflict Image

Let’s see what these options are.

1)      Cancel: It just cancel the operation.

2)      Keep Both: It keeps both files and the file name for the new file will be change as image11.png.

Note: The image name will be incremented by 1 from the current image, here image1.png changed to image11.png.

3)      Replace: It just overrides the existing image and the old image no more exists.

4)      Create Version: It updates the existing image (image1.png) and creates a version. Here there is an option of reverting to older version by going to Time Line and select the New Version as shown below.

Time Line
After selecting New Version you will get an option to revert.

Revert Version

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