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In order to create a website, Pages are needed. Page can be created by selecting a Template.  With out template we cannot create a page. What ever the pages created that will be stored under /content

Process to create Page

Naviagate to Sites -->Naviagate to Specific Path -->Create Page --> Select Template --> Enter Page Title and Name (optional) --> Create page.

With this page can be created, use edit option to edit the page and add components on to the Page.

Page Properties

Properties contains few tabs are Basic, Advanced, Error Pages, Thumb Nail, Cloud Services, Personalisation and few custom Tabs. These Page properties are used in SEO like Description,Title(Meta tags),Social Sharing(OG URL).

Modes of Viewing a Page

Pages can be viewed in 3 modes.

  1. Edit Mode (wcmmode=edit)
  2. Preview Mode (wcmmode=preview)
  3. View as published mode (wcmmode=disabled)
Edit Mode
    In order to add any component on the page, the page should be in Edit mode.  This Edit mode option is available at the Top right corner as shown below.

Edit Mode Option

Preview Mode
    Preview mode is one more view while authoring only we can see this just beside the edit option(refer above screen shot).  In Preview mode we cannot edit the page.

View as published mode (WCMMODE=DISABLED)
    This mode is to verify how the page looks like in dispatcher, but shown in author.  In order to see this view, after editing page --> Page information --> View as Published.

View as Published

For more information on AEM , go through the below syllabus.


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